Friday, July 31, 2009


Well lo and behold it's Friday muthafuckas and even though Ryan's kicking back like Ferris in his deckchair some of us have gotta moonlight. I got bills to pay muthapeenies so I'm going to start my own Swine Flu hotline. Pigs are filthy creatures and God put them on this earth for one thing, to eat shit. Not for bacon, or for ham sandwiches or even sweet pig loving. So all you stupid putos out there who were eating your dinner with your swine crew and rolling around in the mud with your pink friends like you were some stupid Porky Pig worshipping thespians the time is nigh.
You start coughing, you start sweating and then shit kicks in and before you know it the whole world is fucked. Look at this little foolio below, dudes gonna be crapping his piggy pants pretty soon. "Mmmmm Mr. Piggy yoo so nice, you sooooo cute, you taste soooo goooddd, me wuv bacon!!"

Here at Iron Fist we have a pre-requisite swine flu testing program which involves stringent tests on all new and current employees. Before employment starts a compulsory visit to the African witchdoctor we brought over is in order. There the sangoma rubs his big black hands across your well oiled back and performs all sorts of strange and erotic poses in order to protect you from evil viruses and stupidity. After that you may begin working in the upstairs storeroom, away from other employees in temperatures above 105 Fahrenheit. After counting all the butter print colored wishbone tees you may join the rest of the team in the office for 15 minutes a day to check your e-mail and write your blog.
After 3 weeks of this you are officially immune to the swine flu and may begin your extremely lucrative career at Iron Fist where you will receive gift vouchers and coupons to Dave's Famous Cafe and Vern Rose and the odd Friday skate session in the back.

Now let me get back to work, here's a picture below of Patrick Melcher's hispanic brother who just started working for us, nice mustache!

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